Under Orders to Destroy

Save Morningland Dairy – Sponsor a Cheese!

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Click here to lend your support to: Uncheese Party and make a donation at www.pledgie.com !

Welcome to Morningland Dairy’s Uncheese Party!

Within these pages and posts you will learn how you can help the owners of Morningland Dairy, the Dixon family, fight against orders by the FDA and Missouri Milk Board to destroy 50,000 lbs of cheese that has never been tested, nor have they been allowed to test for pathogens.

You can help immediately by clicking through the Pledgie Badge above and make a donation towards the Dixon’s charitable relief and legal fund.  100% of the donations go directly to the Dixons via Paypal.

Who we are:

Sharon Zecchinelli, aka Henwhisperer, is the blog administrator. A reluctant activist who has been instrumental in keeping the National Animal Identification System (NAIS) from going forward. She’s the author of First They Came for the Cows: An Activist’s Story.

Doreen Hannes, Truth Farmer. Doreen is a regular on News with Views, writing about the injustices of the bureaucracy upon all of us regular people who want to be left alone to eat what they want to eat. She first broke the story about Morningland Diary on News With Views and on the Derry Brownfield show. Doreen is the unpaid, volunteer media liaison for the Dixons.

Kimberly Hartke was the first blogger in the foodie circles to break the story of the plight of Morningland Dairy on her blog – Family Farm Ordered to Destroy 50,000 Pounds of Cheese. She is the publicist for the Weston A. Price Foundation. Kimberly blogs about raw milk, real cheese and natural remedies at Hartke Is Online!

What is the problem?

Morningland Dairy is under orders to destroy 50,000 lbs of cheese. Since they can’t sell it, friends and supporters are rallying to sponsor this cheese, so the family won’t lose their farm. That is why it is called an uncheese party. By sponsoring a cheese you are making a non-tax deductible gift of love, aid and comfort to a farm in distress.

To be clear, the government will not let you have this cheese, but The Uncheese Party is being held by friends of Morningland Dairy, to make sure the farmers will still make the money they have earned. Your generosity will keep this farm alive, or it will surely be driven out of business by the actions of the ‘food police’.

Where Your Generous Donation Goes.

The Dixon family still has to pay the bills, mortgage, labor, utilities, while seeking their legal right to due process. Right now, after dumping their milk for five weeks, they are selling their valuable milk at wholesale instead of making cheese, which is a substantial loss. Several families rely on this farm as a sole means of support. Donations of $5 will cover 1 pound of cheese that Morningland is prohibited from selling. When we get all the cheese in their inventory paid for, Morningland has a good chance to weather this storm and continue to provide their cheese to those who want freedom of choice in their food.

Please, join us in sending a message that we, the people want justice for Morningland Dairy.

To sponsor an Uncheese click through make a donation via Pledgie.

Click through the badge to make your donation then grab the code for the badge. Put it on your FB profile, you blog, forums, homepages, websites. Make it go viral. It will track all donations.

Click here to lend your support to: Uncheese Party and make a donation at www.pledgie.com !Pledgie has been updated this morning to reflect the total amount of donations since the fund raising effort began.

We can meet the goal!

176 responses to “Under Orders to Destroy

  1. FDA’s behavior is sooo “over the top” that we must take them down. If you want to see more of their craziness just check out http://www.burzynskimovie.com. To hear from other’s of their horrible abuses call Dr. Jonathon Wright or Life Extension foundation. Attorney Jonathon Emord has been FDA 7 times in court. If anyone can take them down it is Emord. Check out Emord.com

    • You are exactly right, Laraine. We did talk to Mr. Emord. Which is why we have a fundraiser going on. Do you know how much he charges? Which simple farmer could afford him? We’re talking big, no – huge – money. Can you do something to help us raise the funds?

  2. Correction of minor error in earlier comment: Attorney Jonathon Emord has BEATEN FDA 7 times in court.

    • If Jonathon Emord cares about his country and his health and the health of his family …he should take the case pro bono. This is an outrage!!! …when is enough enough. These law enforcement officials are nothing but thugs.

  3. I am getting the word out for you to all my family and 912 teaparty people! You will be successful and we will help you. Blessings to you and your family. It will be ok.

    • Thank you so much for your offers of help. Please, grab the Pledgie badge and post it everywhere. We need more donations for their legal defense fund.

      Peace and grace through our Lord!


  4. I wrote to the governor and milk board:
    Dear Sir:

    Being a medical professional with a keen interest in health, nutrition and longevity through reliable sources of natural and organic foods, I am horrified at the “bullying” the owners of Morningland Farm have recently received at the hands of the powers that be. As a man of science, I support logic, but see no logic in this!

    Jules E. Abramson, DDS
    Warrenton, VA

  5. I’d like to make a contribution but do not do PayPal. How about a street address?

  6. Morningland needs to hire an attorney . . . . like yesterday. This is what is wrong with the raw milk movement . . . . the farmers are hesitant to look towards legal representation when faced with govt. beaurocrats!!!

    Morningland needs to hire a competent attorney NOW! When you have so much money tied up in product and livestock you are a fool not to do so.

    I would look at countersuing the government as well to pay for your legal costs.

    We need to teach the government a lesson. That is . . . . we are free to choose foods we as farmers want to produce and we the people want to consume.

    Kind regards,


    • Violet,

      Why do you think we are having the Uncheese Party? Lawyers are very expensive, and with all of the Dixons assets tied up in the cheese the Milk Board wants to destroy, not to mention not being able to sell cheese or milk (aside from selling into the cooked and killed milk channels), just where do you think they would be able to come up with over $65grand?

      They aren’t hesitant at all, and no raw milk farmers that I know personally would be hesitant, but that’s alot of money, wouldn’t you agree? And I think that illustrates the point of why the Milk Board and others like them go for the throat immediately because they know that raw milk farmers do not have any money to defend themselves.

      If you have any good ideas on how to raise that much money, we are all ears!

      Peace and grace,

      • Agreed Sharon, but does Morningland Dairy have insurance? We do on our small farm . . . . all of our animals and product is insured by our Insurance Company. If one of our animals dies or our product is destroyed by a power outage we are compensated. Has this farm contacted the FTCLDF for pro-bono work?

        I will gladly donate but I need to know these specifics.



      • Good Morning Violet,

        I do not know that answers to your questions re: insurance. I don’t know what it is like in Missouri, where the Dixons live, but here in Vermont it is getting harder and harder to find farm insurance if one wants to sell raw milk or raw milk cheese, etc.

        Yes, FTCLDF has been contacted, for what that is worth…

        Might I suggest that you contact the Dixons yourself. There contact info is on their website http://morninglanddairy.webs.com/

        Peace and grace,

    • Violet, I wasn’t going to say anything regarding your remark about the insurance because I don’t want to be argumentative, but you’ve brought it up in a manner that makes me feel the need to assure people that the Dixons are a very responsible, respectable family.

      First, I would like to point out (once again) that there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG WITH THE CHEESE AT MORNINGLAND.

      Furthermore, it is most likely that the cheese taken in the illegal raid at Rawesome was perfectly good at the time it was seized – seized and stored w/o refrigeration from the time of seizure until… ? No one knows where the cheese was or how it was handled for 7 weeks after the seizure.

      The product was out of Morningland’s hands for SIX MONTHS.

      Now, that said, there is no such thing as insurance against illegal government search and seizure. No insurance company of which I am aware will pay for a product that has absolutely nothing wrong with it.

      Even if such insurance were available (“Hostile Government Assault Insurance”?), as already noted, farm insurance is (at best) cost prohibitive here in MO. Basic coverage against liability is pretty spendy.

      But if an insurance underwriter is following this thread, I would not be at all surprised if, eventually, some sort of policy against illegal search, seizure, and malfeasance becomes available.

      • Actually, farm insurance is very, very reasonable. When we had a policy protecting us from liability as a farm processing our own chickens and sold from our farm only ~ we paid $40.00 per month. We don’t pay this anymore because we now process our chickens at a “State Inspected” facility. Our farming venture is now covered under a “Blanket” policy for our home, store, livestock and equipment.

        We use Farm Family as our insurance company and the prices for insurance on our farm business has been extremely reasonable. I do believe that they do cover farms in Vermont.

        I am so sorry but if you have a business and do not carry insurance and something like this happens then you take a huge risk ~ period. I pay my insurance to protect my business and it is a write~off when it comes to my bottom line.

        Kind regards,


      • Well, there’s the difference in Maine and Missouri. You enjoy much more reasonable farm insurance rates than we do here out on the prairie.

        I did not say that Morningland was without insurance. I said that there is no policy to cover Government Malfeasance.

  7. First, I want you to know that I am praying for you and telling/writing anyone I can to tell them about this atrocity, to try to get you some help and donations. (I have also wrote to Glenn Beck to see if he could further publicize this.) Could I have your permission to take a copy of the press release and try to get our local paper to print it word for word? I would like to further get the word out and expose the criminal FDA for what they are. Nobody where I live probably knows about this but I want them to. I want the FDA sued/prosecuted/ for their flat out terriorism, harassment and criminal behavior! They and the big corporations like big pharma are the true enemies, we need to rid this country of all of them. And, yes believe me my congressmen will get a few phone calls from me. Thank you for taking a stand to protect your freedoms! I will do all I can to help, just let me know what I can and can’t copy from your website and news articles.

    • Thank you for all that you do!

      Absolutely! Take what you like from this site and use it to spread the word. Also, if you are able, can you spread the Pledgie badge around?

      Peace and grace,

  8. Folks, I am so encouraged by your willingness to stand together with Morningland and ALL healthy food producers/consumers!

    Sharon, I’m having trouble navigating this site. I’d like to post sample letters and contact info for our Elected Public Servants (hate to use the word “officials” because it’s obviously gone to their collective head).


    Thanks. 🙂


  9. Will they let a third party tester come in and look for what they say is the problem?

    Why not try and get the attention of Anderson Cooper on CNN to investigate the governments motives?

    • No, they will not allow any testing of the cheese. We got word today that they still want all the cheese destroyed. Why don’t you try to contact Anderson Cooper. You’ve got just as much chance of making that happen as we do. Be a 10-minute Citizen!


      Peace and grace,

  10. Here in Canada we cannot purchase raw milk or its products, so I fully support my American friends in their efforts to keep milk healthy! Might the Weston-Price Foundation do anything to help? I truly hope you can raise enough money to fight back!


    • Lisa, I’m not sure about where you live but in Toronto I have been able to find organic raw milk cheese at several organic / health food stores and even at Loblaws – the organic PC brand medium and old cheddar. The raw cheeses I’ve bought are made in Ontario and Quebec. I’ve never seen raw milk though, which I understand is illegal to sell at any store in Ontario.

  11. Best wishes to you all from New Zealand

    • We always appreciate support from New Zealand! Thanks million!

      Peace and grace,

    • Greetings, Chris all the way in New Zealand!

      I just read a very interesting article about a Missouri politician visiting NZ to look at your dairies. (I cannot for the life of me find the link, though… darn…)

      Funny… Pols will pay lip-service to the importance of our dwindling Missouri dairies, yet allow the Dairy Board and Attorney General to ride roughshod over hardworking families.

  12. I’d like to support with a donation by m.o. or check. Let me know how.

  13. Have you tried to contact the ACLJ (American Center for Law & Justice)? http://www.aclj.org/Content/?f=164

    This case would falld ead in line with constitutional law. The FDA has no justification for what they are doing and they cannot force you to destroy or NOT sell your cheese without proof and/or good scientific testing. Not only are they illegaly forcing you to take a loss and interfering with commerce, they are stripping away the right of consumers free choice.

    Please contact the ACLJ. I am praying for you.

    Here is their mission:
    The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) and its globally affiliated organizations are committed to ensuring the ongoing viability of freedom and liberty in the United States and around the world.

    By focusing on U.S. constitutional law, European Union law and human rights law, the ACLJ and its affiliated organizations are dedicated to the concept that freedom and liberty are universal, God-given and inalienable rights that must be protected.

    The ACLJ and its worldwide affiliates engage in litigation, provide legal services, render advice to individuals and governmental agencies, as well as counsel clients on global freedom and liberty issues. They also support training law students from around the world in order to protect religious liberty and safeguard human rights and dignity.

    As a non-profit organization, the ACLJ does not charge for its services and is dependent upon God and the resources He provides through the time, talent, and gifts of people who share our concerns and desire to protect our religious and constitutional freedoms.

    Here is what their “About” section says.

    The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) focuses on constitutional law and is based in Washington, D.C.

    Through our work in the courts and the legislative arena, the ACLJ is dedicated to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms.

    Our dedication to protecting your freedoms hasn’t gone unnoticed. The Chicago Tribune says ACLJ has “led the way” in Christian legal advocacy. BusinessWeek hailed ACLJ as “the leading advocacy group for religious freedom.” Even Time Magazine notes Chief Counsel Jay Sekulow is among the “25 Most Influential Evangelicals” and lists the ACLJ as “a powerful counterweight” to the ACLU.

    In addition to providing its legal services at no cost to our clients, the ACLJ focuses on the issues that matter most to you – national security, protecting America’s families, and protecting human life. You can learn more about our work through Jay Sekulow Live! — our daily radio broadcast and through ACLJ This Week — a nationally broadcast weekly television program.

    While there is a wealth of information about our work online, you can also receive up-to-date developments from the ACLJ on the most critical issues facing our country today by signing up for our e-mail list.

    Thank you for your interest in the American Center for Law and Justice.

    Jay Sekulow

  14. Best wishes from Colorado

    No matter what they do, I’m not spending my hard earned money on mass produced, pasteurized dairy products.

    Of course, this is never going to stop unless more people get involved.

    • So true, David! That’s why it’s great that folks like you and all the great people here at the Uncheese Party are so willing to give their support by donating money and time (making sure the word gets out).

      You’re all fantastic!

  15. has there been an invoice sent to the FDA for the product they took?

  16. Henwhisperer,

    Would you explain the “10 Minute Citizen” concept? I think I have a fair idea of what you mean by the term, but have never heard it before.


  17. I am not an expert on NZ Farming but i feel I know enough to voice observations. I am not aware of your Politician visiting, couldn’t find anything on a search of our local news. I did find mention of US anticompetitive claim about Fontera. fontera was originally formed to allow farmers to all share in the export returns on farming products cutting out what used to be run by middlemen companies. However, from some of the “horses” mouths, farmers I have talked with, I get the distinct impression that they no longer have much control over this company and it has become a corporate machine feeding itself with farmers profits. I suspect that the interest in NZ farming is not about methods of producing at farm level but control at the corporate level.

  18. This may seem a little off topic, however, it is part of the bigger picture, a point I would like to suggest about the US/NZ anti-competitive claims – The US dollar value is a little over a third more than the NZ$, (I remember times when it was half the NZ$ and also recently when it was over twice the value!) Americans still buy NZ product at bargain basement prices, (1/3 off) the same products that take the same amount of time and effort to produce as those same products produced in the US, yet here in NZ the same principles are applied to most local or imported product – market value being dictated by what the buyer is prepared to pay. The largest consumer of resources on the planet has essentially not been paying a fair share for the resources supplied by other countries by way of the contrived exchange rate, which I think is the major reason for most anti-competitive values on a worldwide basis. I am of the opinion that we sell our childrens’ heritage down the drain because governments cowtow (no pun intended) to world banking directives, messing with our personal value.

  19. They may laugh about an invoice but it is still a seed planted in the minds of those that receive it, When you invoice anyone it is a legal document of value, exchange and record, another avenue that may be pursued in a court should else fail. I daresay the legal beagle will be on to that anyway.

    • Chris, thanks so much for sharing your insights as a New Zealander and a human being facing the same issues as we are here in the States.

      It’s given me a lot over which to mull. Not tonight, though. Tonight is for prayer and sleep.

      I am so angry at the evil perpetrated by governments, and also by the people who will not stand up.

      THANKS to you and to EVERYONE who knows that we have to stand together or hang separately.

  20. most unfortunately it is often hard to find a human in those goverment organizations that can connect on a human level let alone find one with power enough to put it right for you. Imperitive that you lose the anger, it is like drinking poison and waiting for the other bloke to die. Have you managed to track down the name of who gave the order to invade? Perhaps you may be able to connect the dots to individuals that are involved. Rest assured the truth will prevail, it always does eventually. Rest well, remember to take a break so you don’t lose the connection with your own human-ness.
    Is it possible that you can obtain a list of every individual that buys your products?

  21. i would like to mail a check. i don’t send money via computer. please let me know where to mail. thank you

  22. Join me in sponsoring some cheese! We have this opportunity to speak truth to power by helping this family defend their farm against unbelievably tough odds.

    I challenge everyone who comes to this page to find it in your heart to give financially, to send a loud message. We will not take this anymore!

    We want our farmers free and unshackled, and respected as they should be. Their property, their rights are sacred.


  23. Thank you, Doreen, for everything that you have done.
    I hope that people will be as generous with their money as they are with their advice. You’ve inspired me to give more than I can afford; maybe I’ll actually DO something to help, but I probably won’t. I will spread the word, though.
    It’s interesting to see how some people react with a sort of “they wouldn’t be in trouble if they had been careful and done everything right” attitude. I wish that was true.

    • Mike,

      Thanks for your donation. What would keep you from doing something in real life to help? Can’t you be a 10-Minute Citizen?

      Peace and grace,

      • Thanks, Mike. My view is that we are in a fight for our lives. We are all losing our freedom and when the FDA has the audacity to say that we don’t have the right to consume any particular food, nor do our children…that we don’t have the right to bodily or physical health, that we don’t have the right to contract….Frankly, it just hacks me off.

        Every single one of us can contribute to the assertion of our inherent rights…and it takes each one of us in whatever capacity we’ve been gifted with, to make a positive difference.

  24. I have made a donation and I just wanted to let you know that the reason I buy your cheese is because your cows see the light of day and do not have to suffer in a factory farm environment. I do not buy it because it is raw. I would continue to buy your cheese even if it was made from pasturized milk.

    I wonder how many other customers buy your cheeses not because they are raw, but because they are humane?

  25. Take heart. Thanks to our courts and the legal system in the United States injustice can be addressed and reversed. The FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration) can and has been defeated in a similar situation in a court of law. To learn about the harrowing saga to which Dr. James W. Forsythe, M.D., H.M.D. was subjected and how he was cleared and vindicated, read the articles at the following two Links:


    and the longer and more detailed summary at


    Then if interested in Dr. Forsythe’s cancer therapy go to:


  26. Put your donation button on my blog. Going to network your news in any way I can. Make donations as I can. Keep up the good fight!

  27. Has Dennis Baird or Gene Wiseman or the senator Dan Clemans got any connections to an import company? the video says they want to form an alliance to NZ dairy products, rid of Morningland Dairy could guarantee a market for NZ imports that can be acquired for a 1/3 less $ given the exchange rate. Shutting down Morningland would mean that other larger commercial dairy product interests would not be threatened by taking the raw products slice of the market. Although it would appear counter-productive if they should try to shut Morningland down in light of them also saying that US consumption has increased whilst production has decreased.

    • Interesting thoughts about all that, Chris. Don’t know the answers, but I’ll get someone to find out. As I understand things NZ dry milk powder is one of the components of why our dairy farmers here, the ones in the conventional pasteurized supply chain, get paid so little for their milk.

      At it’s very heart, clamping down on raw milk and raw milk cheese is a part of Healthy People 2020

      Peace and grace,

    • Chris, you are very good at connecting dots and relationships.

      I appreciate that and thank you for sharing.

      Keep thinking, and we’ll keep looking to find the trail…

  28. have you been able to put a name to FS HP2020–9:? who introduced it?

  29. I couldn’t find a searchable database on the FDA site that would enable us to find recent entries on applications for importation of dairy products, are you able to request this kind of information from them under a public information act?

  30. Listeriosis is not a major threat in the US 2-3 cases per million, nor is it incurable. Certainly it is nasty if contracted and not treated, (especially for infants) the threat response level with Morningland is excessive. Is the FDA carrying out investigations on your milk suppliers?

    • The FDA does only cursory inspections of the major dairies, if that.

      The Powers That Be have done their best to inculcate a fear of whole foods here in the States. In fact, they do their best to maintain a constant state of alarm, which is very wearing.

      Too many people here are afraid of their own shadows, and when it comes to food, they’re afraid of anything that hasn’t had all the food value sanitized right out of it. If you dare to drink raw milk, eat an egg fresh from your own chicken’s bum, or (horrors!) use MANURE on your garden (ie manure that doesn’t come in a plastic bag from a processing plant), you’re looked at as though you are criminally deranged.

      I wish I was exaggerating.

  31. To my knowledge, normal procedures surrounding outbreaks of disease include tracing the source. If this is not being done it is more than an oversight, if the FDA are not carrying out a trace then this is further evidence of an ill conceived and possibly hurried jack up job on Morningland most likely a breach of their own investigation protocols

  32. I don’t have money to donate, but I would love to donate my time. Any time. I’ve only begun to educate myself on these matters. Point me in the direction of more information, and let me know how to help! Will there be a colorful protest?

    • Adam, I do have a job for you. I don’t know how much time you have, but if you could just surf the web looking for sites that are interested in local food, homesteading, raw milk, etc. and leave comments along with a link to this site and the Pledgie URL, that would be fantastic. Feel free to email me directly at henwhisperer@gmail.com.

      Peace and grace,

  33. I’m hoping for a colorful protest – and the sooner the better.

    How many folks on here are in the same area as Morningland?

    Adam, are you good at cat-herding?

  34. the devil only comes to steal, kill and destroy.
    Jesus came to give life/health abundantly. And yes this does mean eating healthy foods.
    Our founding fathers readily acknowledged that their whole help came from God alone. see wallbuilders.com for a thorough and in-depth look at this which is why we have the freedoms derived from our most unique constitution. Or how can a fledging group of barefoot men even hope to begin to win against the most powerful force on earth, being the British empire at that time. Only God’s power was involved in the victory then, and only by acknowledging it now will we be able to enforce the victories won then.

    • Can you imagine what the Founding Fathers would have thought if they ever foresaw a day when making cheese, drinking raw milk (which was all they knew) and the government wanting passports for chickens?

      Peace and grace,


  35. Hmm. Nice of them to tell people they can’t have healthy food. But what about the Mellons? Reading an obituary of Rachel Lowe Lambert Lloyd “Bunnie” Mellon, one of the super rich Mellon families (they split, and some of them moved to Virginia on a 4000 acre farm). Apparently she lived to be about 100 years old, and they had a farm that made “artisanal cheeses”. I’ll bet my bootie that they do NOT pasteurize their milk either.
    It’s under the last paragraph entitled “Friend of Jackie Kennedy”: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/10220/1077973-51.stm

    Quote: Who in America in 1969, besides dedicated herbalists like Mrs. Rea, even knew what lemon thyme or basil was, anyway? Or sustainable gardening? Back before anyone could pronounce the word “artisanal cheese” Mrs. Mellon’s farm was producing its own well-crafted Colby, Gouda, cottage cheese, butter and milk at its own creamery.

    So, apparently the ultra wealthy elite NWO types can have their (most likely) raw milk, cheese and butter, but the ‘masses’ aren’t allowed?

    According to Dr. William Campbell Douglass’s “The Milk Book”, John D. Rockefeller was often made fun of for drinking human breast milk (raw, I’m sure!). Maybe the ultra rich know something that most people are not told? Of course!
    Now they’re trying to restrict the sale of and pasteurize eggs. It’s the degeneration of US is what is on their menu.

  36. I haven’t read through all the postings, but I did do a Google search on the dairy, and was wondering if perhaps the whole story is not being told? I understand the anger at raids and such, but there are articles out there that say that at least some of the products HAVE been tested and found positive for Listeria and Staph. Here is one article…http://www.walletpop.com/blog/2010/09/01/morningland-dairy-recalls-cheese-over-listeria-and-staphylococcu/
    Please do not slam me…I am not against the dairy .. I love raw dairy products, and we should be allowed to choose what we want to eat. Especially those of us who are not in an area conducive to keeping cows or goats. I do not want the farm to close. But I’m pretty sure the whole story is not out there, and I for one would love to hear all about it all in one place before making any decisions.

    • Concerned, listeria is on every surface, including your hands. And there are over 8000 different types of listeria. If you look long enough, and hard enough you’ll find just about every germ somewhere. The point is that for 30 years the Dixons have been making cheese and there has never been a single illness.

      The products that were tested where done so in the wrong way. The woman doing the testing had contact with someone who had been in a hospital, and the tester did not follow protocol when it came to cleaning herself of any residual germs.

      Peace and grace,

  37. I’ll be making a donation. I love your guys cheese and have been w/o any yummy cheese since I saw the letters at my stores about what happen. Please don’t give up hope!

  38. heard you on SW Radio — hear I am. Lot of talk about government — not much on corporate control; know a dairy farm family and an another small farm that sells fine eggs and raw milk. I see it more as a corporate-factory farm influence on govt regs than anything else. Like monsanto and round up. Cargill, ADM etc… and the we own the seeds… same with dairy. It’s a corporate drive to kill the local farmer. There’s just too much money and control when they ‘own’ the seeds, raw milk and cheese. Corporate take over.

    Wish I could do more than just be aware…. I just support local farmers the best way I can — and digest their fine products. My point here is that the little guy is a dying breed…. to be anything in this life, you need a corporate logo, and grow up eating lousy food.

  39. RE: But I’m pretty sure the whole story is not out there, and I for one would love to hear all about it all in one place before making any decisions.

    There is evidence of tyranny here. That is the rest of the story. If you think not, understand that our Founding Fathers studied every kind of government and then rigorously built into our Constitution every form of check for tyranny. This is because they knew the heart and beast of man that whenever possible that they will seize control of the masses for their own lustful benefit through any and every form of tyranny. If you study the Constitution you will see that they diligently build in controls for all such tyrannies.

  40. What more of the story? The docs are all listed, no illnesses whatsoever, no due process, no tests of the blocks of cheese, and there is more that I am working on getting out right now. Dig through all the docs. This is a travesty of justice at the very least.

  41. http://www.ohio.com/lifestyle/105843858.html

    Visit the above website if you are in Ohio – Akron area. The University is conducting a study on why we prefer raw milk. Participants will be paid $50 for their services.

  42. can you find out who is paying for the research?

  43. Give all the information to Bill O’Reilly at Foxnews.
    ( oreilly@foxnews.com) He champions good causes and may even get them some good “air” time to tell the country about the “gestapo” tactics our govt is taking against everyday citizens.

    Follow the Money…..is there a developer or someone like that who is interested in the land?

  44. Read almost all comments yesterday. I am very familiar with the details of this deplorable situation, as Morningland Dairy has, for over twenty years, supplied the HighFallsFoodCoOp with their wonderful-in-all-ways cheeses. Local sources told me of the Weston Price Foundation affiliate Farm to Consumer Defense Fund. Telephone 703 208-3276. Web farmtoconsumer.org. This will require an annual membership of $125 for a farm. I have already left this information on the Dixon’s anwering machine. We will continue to follow and support all efforts for the just outcome for farmers and consumers. Keep the Faith!

    • Faith is in no short supply in the Dixon household, that I can assure you of. They do know about FTCLDF already. I believe Gary Cox is their lawyer.

      Thanks for your encouraging words.

      Grace and peace,

  45. We bought a package of your cheese on a trip to Maine last summer. I saved the label, hoping to get more when we returned next summer. This was absolutely fantastically tasty cheese! I am mailing you a check to help overcome the Nazis in the FDA (wish it were that easy.) As WestonAPrice Fdn members, we stand behind you and your delicious cheese, made from real milk.
    In good health,

  46. The question that arises in my mind is that if this bacteria is indeed ubiquitous as stated, then it must be ever present in the commercial pasteurization dairies too. And that would mean that they must also shut down their operations and destroy all of their product. Is that not true?

    • The bacteria is worse, actually, in commercial pasteurization. They are allowed to have pus counts.

      But would they be shut down for it? No, not likely.

      When we moved here to Vermont I was thrilled to be living next door to a dairy farmer (and those years ago I did not realize there was a major difference between commercial and raw milk dairies). I begged a half gallon of milk from them, poured right from the bulk tank. Pleased to have it, and being a horder of sorts in those days, I just kept the milk and did not use it right away. In 7 days time it developed a green mold on the top. I set about then to find a raw milk farmer and have been drinking his wholesome raw milk ever since. Once I even did an experiment, putting a half gallon of raw milk in the back of the spare fridge (my husband doesn’t like my ‘experiments’), and kept it there for a year. As you would expect the whey totally leached out of it and became totally clear. The milk solids congealed at the top and might have been a good cheese. Never, though, did it ever develop mold in any way.

      Thanks for your support!

      Grace and peace,

      • If the argument is pushed forward that the same Mono L bacteria is ubiquitous in pasteurized dairies (tests confirming this will only serve to strengthen the cause), and they are allowed to remain open; then that must mean that Mono L is not as dangerous as the FDA is purporting it to be. After all it is the same bacteria, right? The FDA then will only have 2 positions to take legally. The first one being that Mono L bacteria is not as dangerous as they first claimed it is hence all dairies can be free to operate. And the second position is that they are indeed lying through their teeth because of being backed up by greedy monies from the big industrialized dairies. Which legal position do you think they will prefer.

  47. Thank you for all of your efforts to get the word out about this serious infringement on our right to healthy, nutritious food and drink. Am doing what I can to spread the word. Keep fighting the good fight! It’s the only chance we have to make certain that corporate farming does not kill REAL agriculture!!

  48. A Bit of Earth – cool! Went to your blog, and know I’ll be spending some serious time there. 🙂

    THANK YOU!!!!

  49. I owe the lives of 2 children to raw milk and when I sold it to people
    who wanted it the local bureaucrat tried to raise hell with me so I
    asked God to bless her and after about a year I received “the peace
    that passes all understanding” and within a month or so the
    bureaucrat died of cancer.

    Someone had told me, “Pray for your enemies, if you have to start
    through gritted teeth.” And I did.
    Later I read that enemies who are prayed for can accept the blessing
    or reject it and destroy themselves.

    • That’s a mighty interesting story, Marilyn. Tell us more about the lives of two children who drink raw milk. The feds say that raw milk doesn’t have any particular health benefit. If they only knew, they might be healed themselves of their craziness by having a glass or two every day.

      Bless you more than you are already blessed!

      Grace and peace,

  50. WOW, you just convinced me. THANK YOU – I’m going to start praying right now

  51. Just a thought, What if all of a sudden someone stole all the cheese? like friends, and friends of friends, and left a donation behind.

  52. Well, Fred, if we were to do that, it would be a Federal offense, and we’d ALL be in some serious hot water then.

    The govt has laid claim to the cheese, and until this is resolved, the cheese stands alone.

    But the Dixons don’t stand alone. They have all of us to stand up with them. 🙂

  53. Ahhhh but please do remember that the forefathers gave us the right to both bear arms and to use them against those who might be so bold as to infringe upon our constitutional freedoms of our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

  54. The Senate bill known as S-510 just passed the Senate. Giving the FDA the ability to shut down anyone it chooses.

  55. I was raised on a small farm drinking raw milk everyday. We had a cow, a few goats and many chickens. We made our own cheese, just like it has been done for centuries. That farm has been gobbled up by BigAgra because my family could no longer make ends meet with all the new laws.

    We need a site where we can email our congressmen and the FDA easily. Most people will not look it up on their own.

    I am going to donate a good portion of my Christmas present money for my family presents to this cause because I want my family to have a choice of the food they eat in the future. I am allergic to dairy, but everyone around me eats organic raw cheese that I buy for them.
    My kids are getting a Christmas card that says: Your present went to support an organic raw cheese dairy that is being forced out of business by the FDA. I know how important organic food is to you and the babies and how much you care about animals being treated humanely.”
    Please JOIN ME in telling this story and giving as much as possible.

  56. Huaa,

    God bless you and your family, and thank you so much for sharing your family’s story.

    We’re doing our best to get the word out. It’s so important to keep this story alive, because Morningland is still battling for its very existence.

    THANK YOU a million times over for your generosity!

  57. If the consumers actually understood how we have to do business, they would support us more. But the information just doesnt get to them in a way that makes any sense or impacts them personally. Wish I had money to send you. As a fellow Missourian farmer, I do not have anything extra though. But if it helps any, I hear you.

    • Connie, I understand Missouri is in dire straights with low unemployment. Thanks for hearing the Dixon’s message. If you can tell people about it, that is extremely helpful. Not all blessings are money.

      Peace and grace,

  58. I’ve posted both the article from Off the Grid and this site to my facebook page for all of my friends to see and copy to others. I’m living in Washington state right now and our local dairies that provide healthy raw product are having the same issues…

    I so wish I could contribute but am currently not working but I will get your message out to all of my friends, many of which are truckers and you know how we are, once one of us speaks up the entire nation of truckers hear the message.
    God Bless and good luck

  59. We have enjoyed Morningland Products for years. We feel they are good people selling upright products.
    This sort of Demonic and Predatory Fascism (when Goverrnment and Business are in bed together) always gets my goat. We need to find someone
    who knows the law (probably not an attorney) because this country is under two seperate types of law. One is Admiralty Law and I don’t remember the other. But under one of them you can not only sue the US Government as a Private Corporation (yes, it’s true), but sue the FDA…..and most chilling of all when this gets out ………YOU CAN SUE EACH AND EVERY INDIVIDUAL INVOLVED IN ANY WAY IN THIS EVIL AND GROSS TRAVESTY OF JUSTICE! Obviously, the foot soldiers “who were only following orders” (a la WWII concentration camp guards) in this case will get cold feet across the board and be less and less willing to “follow orders” when their own neck is suddenly at stake and they are called to responsibility for their evil and destructive de-evolutionary actions.
    Raise your own level of Consciousness. Focus on the world you want, pray, meditate, study! Wake up, in the Spiritual sense, …….and WE may ALL move above and beyond the Hell-On-Earth created by these Fallen Angels.
    I have said.

  60. Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund – Pete Kennedy is defending them. At least that’s what he claims on his website. LOL, Paula 🙂


    • Well, you are partially right, FTCLDF is involved, but the attorney of record is Gary Cox. The reason why the Dixon’s are raising money is so that they could afford the best attorney, but they never got that amount of money. So Gary Cox it is…

      • To Henwisper,
        RE: The reason why the Dixon’s are raising money is so that they could afford the best attorney, but they never got that amount of money.

        Who is the best attorney and what is the amount of money needed? It sounds as if we need an ongoing warchest. I was somewhat under the impression that our yearly fees due to FTCLDF was in effect that war chest.

      • Paula, sorry I didn’t reply a bit faster…my mother passed away yesterday and, well, you know…traveling, and such.

        Anyway, the best lawyer costs $65,000.00 just for the retainer. He has successfully won lawsuits against FDA more than a few times. He does not work for FTCLDF.

        Peace and grace,

  61. hello –
    I found out about this in the past couple of days. My attention has been on Senate bill S510 The Food Safety & Modernization Act which as best I can tell would give the FDA even more capacity to do things of this nature, it was voted in by Senate last week but due to unconstitutional addition in Senate bill, the House couldn’t immediately pass, so there are gyrations going on to get it through.
    Lots of public pressure is needed now. Please contact both your House and Senate legislators.

    I will send check tomorrow. I have some suggestions that would be long winded on this blog and need to be implemented by the families
    that are simple, could be very effective and wouldn’t cost anything. I will gladly speak at length with any of the family members.

    I sent information about this situation to Dr. Mercola’s team yesterday, http://www.mercola.com. Dr. M is a raw milk advocate and he has a huge email list. There have to be contacts of celebrity nature that could help. Many love their raw foods.
    Does anyone know Jon Stewart, have an in with US Rep Dennis Kucinich?, Gabriel Cousens, MD raw food advocate in Arizona?, etc.
    How about 60 Minutes?

    I ask for Divine Intervention and Resolution for the Greatest Good for Morningland and the people of America.
    Albuquerque, NM

  62. Dear Sharon –
    I’m grateful that you are available to support. I will continue to see what I can do. I haven’t looked at Doreen’s article yet, will do so.

  63. Grahm Barrett-Lennard

    Morningland Dairy my heart felt sympathies go out to you and your plight. I am sure you are aware of Percy Schmeiser’s battle with Monsanto p lus others. We in Australia have had similar problems. I was defrauded of my organic farm 2001, a vitamin tablet company was sent bankrupt Aussie UggBoots was forced to sell their business after court costs in USA to defend their name sent them to the wall. The problem you have encountered is that you became too big with no benefit to the conventional distribution system. You were completely outside by what I have read so far. The System you and we are up against is Admiralty Law and the FDA want you in court to destroy you. Notice how loose they were with the handling of the evidence which supposedly leaves them wide open for ridicule in court however be very careful about who you hire to represent you because they may be working for the other side. It will take a long time to explain all this so I recommend you visit this website for your education . It will help you understand who and what you are up against and how to deal with it. I can not help you now monetarily but will when I can. Wishing you all the best and praying for you, Graham

    • Thank you Graham. We are indeed aware of Percy’s plight. And we were also aware of what the NLID did to the cattle ranchers down there, all the while USDA was pointing to Australia as a success story for our own NAIS. But right you are about Admiralty Law and FDA and all of it. Just keep spreading the word about what is happening here and there.

      Peace and grace,

  64. Can these farms start a program to sell shares of a cow so that, the purchasers would then be the owners of a portion of the raw milk products from that cow? Then those owners could rightly take possession of some cheese, and this would not be considered a sale. If this is done at Rawesome, why can’t these FDA harassed farms do it too?

  65. Every lawyer in this nation should be all over this case and offering their assistance FREE….because this case affects THEIR future ability to feed themselves as well as the rest of us. People are so short sighted – they aren’t seeing the big picture on down the road a little ways and it’s not good!

  66. Okee-dokee!

    Morningland Dairy has a trial date!

    If you can be there physically to show your support for Morningland and Food Choice, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE come on down to the

    West Plains Court House
    January 11 and 12
    9 a.m.

  67. is there any possibility that streaming video conferencing can be set up in the courtroom to enable those who cannot attend to view and listen in to the proceedings?

    • Hi Chris, Thanks for stopping by. If no one can attend, then no, there will be no chance of streaming video or any video for that matter. It doesn’t seem at that moment there is anyone going.

      Peace and grace,

  68. I would love to see the video ABSOLUTELY. This is a GREAT idea and I hope we do follow through on this idea. So economical and yet so far reaching in it’s influence.

    Also, a friend of mine purchased a 30 lb block of Morning Land cheese about 3 weeks ago to help the cause. Hopefully this can be done more. Do you know where we can do this? He lives about 4 hours away from me. Thank you.

    • Hi Paula, thanks for commenting. Unfortunately, your friend did not actually buy a 30lb block of real cheese because Morningland has not been able to sell any cheese for many, many months now. Probably your friend donated on Pledgie, sponsoring an ‘uncheese’. I encourage you do to likewise. You can sponsor a little or a lot.

      Peace and Grace,

  69. Teddi and Armand Bechard and family are planning to make it down there. They’re the folks who just won their first case against the city re: raw milk.

    They still have to face the State of MO in a jury trial.

    Folks, be aware that, if the Dixons get their request for jury trial, the court date may be bumped out a week.

    We’ll keep you posted!

  70. I would love the whole world to be able to see how this nonsense pans out in a US courtroom, also as I have read and understand your constitution, it appears to be one of your rights to be able to have trial by juryof your peers in any matter put before any US court. I gather that right was put there to ensure that justice would be less likely to be perverted by those in positions of wealth and influence?

  71. Our beloved Christian Constitution also guarantees us the Freedom of the Press. In this day and age, a video recording is the press. Remember we are in a war. This is but one battle of that war. If we are able to get videos published it will help us to win the war. And congratulations on raising nearly $50,000.00 so far for the battle. Even though we still need $200,000.00 more. What we’ve got so far is PHENOMENAL INDEED.

  72. Thanks for posting how much has been raised. We are so close to losing our right to real food. I donated $100 of Uncheese and hope others can find something to donate even if it is raising money from their friends.
    For those outside the US, there is no “loser pays” law here, so the big corporations and the FDA can keep suing people until they break them financially. It is happening all the time now. It is a very dirty game.
    I send my best to this family. I come from a big farm and know what they are up against.

  73. perhaps there is a connection to the lysteria counts in this –
    FDA Approved New Virus Sprays For Foods – August, 2006.

    The FDA approved nano-virile protein bacteria eaters that work on deli meats and other ready-to-eat foods in August, 2006. Food manufacturers started spraying this new nantechnology viruses on meats and vegetables in August 2006.

    Intralytix Corporation, based in Baltimore, first petitioned the FDA in 2002 to allow the viruses to be used as an additive. It has since licensed the product to a multinational company, which is marketing the virus spray worldwide.

    The viruses are known as bacteriophages, viruses that kill bacteria, or phages for short. Phages have been around a long time, living as parasites inside many bacteria.

    Intralytix uses biotechnology to grow viral phages in a culture with Listeria, in theory teaching the viruses to recognize the bacteria. The FDA-approved cocktail contains six different viruses intended to attack one strain of bacteria.

    This mixture is then sprayed on food. If Listeria is present in the food, the bacteria will ingest the viruses. This results in massive viral replication inside the bacteria, until such point as the bacteria simply bursts. This battle results in significant production of bacterial poisons called “endotoxins”, as the bacteria tries to defend itself. When the bacteria burst, these endotoxins are released. These, along with the victorious live viruses, will now be on the food that will be eaten, ingested into the human body.

    The stated goal of the new FDA-approved viruses is to kill a rare bacterium known as Listeria monocytogenes. This bacterium is killed by cooking; however, it poses a problem in meats that are cooked during processing and not cooked again prior to consumption, so it can readily infect foods such as deli meats.

  74. the above is not my research but part of an article at http://www.dldewey.com/morgel.htm

  75. Fighting the FDA in court does NOT have to be hugely expensive, but it does take communication, sharing related info., knowledgeable people with court procedures and assistance of legal council. Look what is happening in the Vaccination area, there is an e-book on peoples rights and lawful procedures on our web site. There needs to have something like this for the farmers.
    I will contribute for the fight, but I hope it is spent very sparingly.

  76. Why did the FDA really force this farm to destroy it’s products? How were they processing the cheese? All I’ve read so far is how the big bad government has forced them to destroy their cheese and that this family is going to lose their farm. I’d like to hear the other side’s story on why they took this course of action against these farmers. I’m sure I’m not the only one who is asking the same questions after they finished reading this blog entry.

    • That is a good question that you ask. Find out what you can about the Rawesome Raid in California last year, watch the video of the agents with guns drawn. Then make your own conclusions.

  77. To me one obvious answer to this USDA tyranny is the 10th amendment and the 10th Amendment Center. Could we get them and the “we the people” involved in nullifying these tyrannical actions? What about doing this on the County or even township level such as was done in Maine, even if it is only for show?

    Could not pressure be put on the local sheriffs to arrest any USDA coming illegally into your jurisdiction?


    • Thanks for your comments. Yes, it would be wonderful if we could get ‘we the people’ involved in any aspect of the fight. In truth, look around you…are ‘we the people’ enraged enough to do anything at all? As for myself, I have come to the conclusion that YWHW, who is the ultimate judge, will have his way with these people, those he put in place in the earthly government who are now terrors to good works.

      Peace and grace.

      • RE: I have come to the conclusion that YWHW, who is the ultimate judge, will have his way with these people, those he put in place in the earthly government who are now terrors to good works.

        This is very true Sharon. However, America is the only successful nation to enforce these God-given freedoms. All of the other nations default to tyranny or socialism which is a milder form of tyranny. The only way these freedoms can ever be or ever have been enforced is by action on the part of the populace. That is why we are given the option to do so in our Constitution as our Fore-Fathers both recognized the uniquness of our freedoms and what would be necessary to enforce them.

    • Joe, who/what is the 10th Amendment Center? Do you have a contact there who may be able to help?

  78. Ivy,
    I have written them all. http://www.tenthamendmentcenter.com/about/team/
    Listen to the videos on the front page. But you writing them will only reinforce things.
    If we do not act things WILL get bloody.


  79. Paula,
    We have been a socialist nation for close to 100 years. Every plank of the communist manifesto has been implemented here. Google it if you don’t’ believe me. Email me if after due diligence you are still wondering…. joe@tittiger.com

  80. I’m not aware of the details of this case or why the FDA is making the dairy get rid of 50,000 lbs of raw milk cheese.
    I did want to point out that Gruyere cheese (AOC), made in Switzerland, is an aged raw milk cheese product. Gruyere cheese can be purchased just about everywhere in the US, it happens to be my favorite cheese. Perhaps this information will be of help to the Morningland Dairy.

    • Right, thanks. They are being targeted as other raw dairy/raw cheese producers are simply because FDA doesn’t want people eating wholesome food. They, FDA, have no tolerance for Listeria, but apparently has no problem with, say, Cargill killing people with tainted ground turkey. Twice.

  81. On one level the reason that the FDA is destroying Morningland Dairy is because like most of government they are bought and paid for by special interests. At another level it is part of the codex codex alimentarius and at the top level is part of planned eugenics.

    The reason that this is all going down is that people would rather watch football than learn about how government is supposed to work and keeping and eye on them by for starters attending local town hall meetings.
    Attending government schools and fluoridated water has not helped.

    • Thanks for dropping in! Yup, you are right…people are dumbed down. They don’t know about the FDA/USDA initiatives to rid this country of wholesome food and now supplements, though that has been coming on for a long time.

  82. Don’t want to be negative but no matter what you do the FDA is going to come back. You need to plan for that eventuality. Have you considered a Constitutional challenge? It has never been done to my knowledge. I know a man you should talk to about this option. Contact me if you are interested.

  83. If anyone believes Governments and government agencies are acting in the best interests of the people it represents then those people need to get their head out of the sand and do some research.

    The FDA has no interest in representing the best interests of the people – they are primarily interested in protecting the interests of Big Pharma who funds the FDA.

    I am staggered that the majority just don’t care because it doesn’t directly affect them…

  84. When are we going to say no to these tyrants? The FDA is an Unconstitutional organization nowhere authorized in the Constitution.
    Besides that they violate inalienable rights in almost everything that they do. Do you not agree that choosing what you put into your body a God given right? Nullification is one answer: http://www.tenthamendmentcenter.com/

  85. The Dixons are STILL fighting the State of Missouri.

    The embargoed cheese is STILL sitting there.

    Joseph is STILL traveling out of state to make enough money to maintain a defense (and pay taxes to the State that is trying to bankrupt his family).

    If you feel moved to contribute to the cause, now would be a good time to help.


  86. This thread is a bit older and I’d like to know where things are now. I’m annoyed I can’t just go buy the milk from a farmer like I used to. Don’t even know where to start looking now. All this genetically altered stuff has given me and intolerance to wheat and milk.

    • As I understand it, the cheese is still in place, never been touched or taken away by the state. The Dixon’s aren’t working the farm anymore. Tis sad indeed. And stuff like this is still going on all over the country. Hope you get to find some raw milk somewhere. It is good food! Peace and grace to you.

  87. I have watched this fight go on since the beginning & seen everyone coming to the defense of this dairy. If any of you have been to this dairy & seen how nasty this place has become you’d be glad it’s not a part of our food chain anymore. Sure, everyone has the right to keep things in their own fashion, but when you are selling to the public a food commodity and it comes back tainted, that’s another story. Then you see where it came from and there is not one evidence of a clean environment anywhere around it, except the cheese room, no wonder the government stepped in. They should protect their people. You would want to think that since they were fighting for their livelihood, they’d clean up their act. But, no, they’d rather shout the injustice shown towards them & collect money for their cause. This used to be a nice dairy when the original owners had it, but since it changed hands, I guess we’re all in God’s care to watch over us. Go ahead and come to their defense, I’m sure someone will just come unglued over this post. I can’t even look at this dairy in the same light & can’t wait for it to become a complete thing of the past. Morningland cheese was a good cheese, but those days are long gone. Be glad someone did not die over this.

    • How nasty it has become? I guess it has become nasty since the cheese was under embargo and no one was allowed near it, allowed to tend to it.

      When the Dixons were actively making cheese they cared for the cheese. When the embargo started, they were allowed to anymore.

      • the nastiness I’m referring to has nothing to do with the cheese room, it’s the surrounding farm & upkeep. The area is a disgrace & it makes me sad that the previously owners & their family worked so hard to make it nice then this is what happened to it. This was way before the cheese was embargoed. I’m just trying to get the point across that this farm was not kept up and was run down to begin with. Those of you that jump to their defense & throw money at them should have seen what they were defending. I’m sure the embargoed cheese is bad, of course without being tended to and that should have never happened, it should have been disposed of immediately & let life/work go on to learn from the past mistakes. But it was made a hostage, and then the life/work just stopped.

    • Cindy Knight, you need to talk to the original owners, because they certainly don’t feel this way. They apologized to us when we bought Morningland in 2008 about it being run down some, and explained that it had been 10 years or so that they had been trying to sell Morningland so they could retire. Understandably, they used their efforts to build up the place they planned to move to, and were letting the farm run down because they thought they may have to just close it down. Margie certainly has the green thumb that I do not have, but that is just landscaping. I trained under Margie for many months at the cheese plant, and we kept the cheese operation every bit as clean, as is evidenced by our inspection sheets and the 99 swabs taken by the FDA in our milk barn and cheese plant, which came out 100% clean. Also, we have been away from Morningland for 2 years and just returned in early January. Even so, your claim of “how nasty this place has become” and “not one evidence of a clean environment anywhere around it” are simply not true and you know it. It’s true that you don’t look at this dairy in the same light, but your reason is not founded in the truth, and your attempt at bashing us don’t ring true.

  88. Cindy, the cheese plant received numerous improvements under the Dixons and even Don Falls testified that they were actually cleaning the property up and improving it in around the plant and milk barn. They were also improving the herd by moving to more Jerseys than Holsteins. That is a rather lengthy process. It takes a lot of effort to “rehab” a farm. The Reiners wanted out of it years before the Dixons took over operation, so maybe, and I want to stress the maybe here, they let it go further than is “acceptable”. I don’t know for certain. I do know that running a dairy -in and of itself- is like having two full time jobs, much less having a cheese plant in between milkings.

  89. We are all going in the morning because the gov is supposed to be going there to destroy all the cheese. PLEASE come and show support to stop this NATZI GOVERNMENT!!!

  90. Glad you all got to protest, remember to take your swatiska sign down when you leave that someone nailed to the tree. THAT looked wonderful in the neighborhood. some of you are so over the top.
    Let there be peace again in our little world. Healing thoughts to everyone, this hatred has festered.
    Enjoyed being at the festivities with all of you.

  91. Cindy Knight, your comment above is very telling of you:
    “there is not one evidence of a clean environment anywhere around it, except the cheese room, no wonder the government stepped in.”

    They were not making the cheese in their yard but in their cheese room which as you stated was clean. No laws or regulations were broken then,right? And no one died nor got sick from eating their cheese. Too bad you were upset about the outside appearance of their place. Maybe their main priority initially was their business, which can be a struggle in the first few years of taking it over. They endeavored hard to make a good product and expand it to other cheeses. They believed in it, and they wanted to make good on their investment.

    Too bad their yard and house wasn’t up to your standards.

  92. Just heard from reports via delivery people that did go into the cheese room, it was nasty, and even the occassional dog was around. So, don’t tell me about cleanliness. The outside reflected the inside. I’ve had enough food inspection classes & restaurant knowledge to know what could be suspect. Whatever you want to eat, go for it, I am just thankful that the feds did step in and protected us a potential outbreak of calamity. I applaud the calmness of the sheriff’s office in their ability to keep from breaking down with the chaos around them. Nazis go home, really?
    I have known Morningland for their 30 yrs and have always loved their cheese as personal user & a vendor. The owners & their family were wonderful & clean. There of course was never a problem there. The takeover of new owners, and the last several years where now there’s a problem with the cheese is not surprising. Don’t tell me that there was issues on the takeover. The history stands to show that it was good before. It was NOT run down, it was a old family business. I feel horrible for the previous owners who built this from the ground up to see it goe down in flames & such craziness.

    • You lie.

      If things were so nasty, then why was the FDA unable to find any listeria?

      There was no problem there. If you did not see it for yourself, then shame on you for deliberately lying and spreading such rumors.

    • Cindy Knight, do not ever again come here and make comments about things you have only been told, such as the Nazi sign that was non-existent, or what delivery people told you. It is pretty bad form.

      Any alleged problems with the cheese stemmed from the Rawsome raid in California, which had deep political implications.

      End of discussion with you Cindy Knight posting from her workplace.

      • The Nazi sign was there, posted to a tree for all to see as they came in from the road to the dairy. It just left a lovely feeling for all that came in for to see that. You can say it wasn’t there, doesn’t bother me. And I won’t be back to see your ramblings. I know what I put on was true from what I saw on the 25th. The delivery reports I’ve reported were also true.
        And yes, some of us do work in real jobs since we’re paying the taxes for the benefits a lot of you suck off of us. I won’t be back to that dairy ever again.
        The cheese in the storage should have all been tested again before tossed, I agree with that. But it wasn’t, there was too much drama going on for all that to get sorted out. That’s a matter for higher courts, and you’re all obviously going to keep this going and good luck to all of you.

      • Listen, you have made a terrible error of judgement. Have you mistaken this blog as a Uncle Santa Obama blog? Errrgh. I’m a farmer, in case that counts as a real job. I don’t take a dime, not a dime from the gubbermint nor would I ever. And I know for certain that many others here do not either. That’s not second hand info either.

        So, be honest, what is your real agenda? You do seem to be of two minds about Morningland.

    • I’m sorry that you choose to blame us for signs that a protester of cheese-stealing chose to put up. We didn’t see them until it was all over, and they were removed. No one there on the 25th “enjoyed the festivities.” It was a sad day, and a travesty of justice. And the only hatred that came from all this seems to be coming from you.

    • Ms. Knight, if the refrigerator you ate from this morning were taped shut right now and remained taped shut for 2-1/2 years, you would not find a pretty picture either when it was opened. We were not allowed to do anything with our cooler for 2-1/2 years. As for our delivery people, they were always glad to receive our cheese as gifts, and our UPS man who picked up our cheese shipments every week was a very big fan of it, taking some home to his young son when he got the chance, and he has also voiced online his support of us. Enough said.

  93. it seems the FDA has been increased in size and given more,not less,powers to harass especially organic and natural food supply. this is top down and obama has a goal to gm everything. he needs to go as he is not truly knowledgable about everything that he thinks he is. wish i knew how to change the turn in our country towards unhealthy and unlabeled foods.

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